Currently I’m working with some Alkali metal based Thermoelectric materials, where the lattice thermal conductivity has not been reported. There being no definitive guide to calculating κL using Phono3py, here I list out some common pitfalls and summarize the way to carry out calculations. Here are the steps to follow (Always read, make notes, re-read and improve notes)

I. Stuff to keep in mind while analyzing results (Is this really what you want?):

  • The single mode relaxation time approximation (RTA): This is what we’re using here
  • Linearized phonon Boltzmann equation: This is what we’re solving here
  • The phonon-boundary scattering model: This indicates the scope of this calculation
  • The anharmonic force constant (3rd order): The absolute thermal conductivity, calssically can be expressed as a taylor series expansion
  • Fermi’s golden rule > Im (self energy) = G : The scope of this calculation
  • Phonon lifetime t = 1/2G (To double check your phonon-lifetime results)

II. Your fundamental input file (Don’t be a sheep, make appropriate changes)

PREC = Accurate 
IBRION = -1  #not moving ions at all, but calculating forces  
ISTART=1 #we're using previously generated WAVECAR to reduce computational time  
ENCUT = 500   
EDIFF = 1.0e-08 #We definitely need good precision 
SIGMA = 0.01 #choose whatever suits your system 
IALGO = 38 
LREAL = .FALSE. #important 
ADDGRID=.TRUE. #The single most important parameter, which ensures that the forces are accurate 

III. Preparing POSCAR-unitcell and WAVECAR (we need it for phono3py)

  • First, take your conventional lattice cell and make a 2x2x2 (in some cases when you’re not dealing with cubic cells, we scale up the cells approprately; For example, in case of a hexagonal cell, if you only wish to calculate kappa in x and y directions, a 2x2x1 supercell would also work)
  • Relax the volume of this supercell with highly accurate convergence criterion and also set it to write WAVECAR file. This is done by the following changes in the incar file:
    • LWAVE=.TRUE.
    • EDIFF=1E-09 # remember that EDIFFG=10 times EDIFF
  • Divide the supercell lattice parameters by 2 and then use as the lattice parameters of the conventional lattice cell. Rename POSCAR (the conventional lattice file) to POSCAR-unitcell
  • DONE

IV. Running phono3py to generate displacements:

  • phono3py -d –dim=”2 2 2” -c POSCAR-unitcell #–dim
  • for isotropic lattices, we can also use phono3py –dim=”2 2 2” –sym-fc -c POSCAR-unitcell
  • A large number of POSCAR files (titled POSCAR-XXXXX) would be generated for which we would have to do force calculations using the INCAR provided above.

V. Here comes the tricky part, How to do all these calculations ? :

  • Don’t worry, we’re basically doing single SCF cycles for force calculation.
  • We’re using WAVECAR to speed up our calculations, doing this makes VASP guess a good starting value of Initial energy.
  • Automate the process !!

VI. The automation: obviously we use a script to do this, so here we go:

  • If you’re working on a workstation (single node) make a file called fcrun, copy the following content and then chmod +X fcrun:
      #! /bin/csh -f 
      set max = `sed -n -e 's/num_displacements_created: //1p' disp_fc3.yaml` 
      set No = 1 
      echo $No, $max 
      while ( $No <= $max ) 
          echo "Here we go......" 
          echo $No"/"$max 
          if ( $No < 10) then 
              mkdir disp-0000$No
              mv POSCAR-0000$No ./disp-0000$No/POSCAR
              cp POTCAR ./disp-0000$No/POTCAR
              cp INCAR ./disp-0000$No/INCAR
              cp WAVECAR ./disp-$No/WAVECAR
              cd disp-0000$No
              if ( 10 <= $No && $No < 100) then
              mkdir disp-000$No
              mv POSCAR-000$No ./disp-000$No/POSCAR
              cp POTCAR ./disp-000$No/POTCAR
              cp INCAR ./disp-000$No/INCAR
              cp WAVECAR ./disp-$No/WAVECAR
              cd disp-000$No
              if ( 100 <= $No && $No < 1000) then
              mkdir disp-00$No
              mv POSCAR-00$No ./disp-00$No/POSCAR
              cp POTCAR ./disp-00$No/POTCAR
              cp WAVECAR ./disp-$No/WAVECAR
              cp INCAR ./disp-00$No/INCAR
              cd disp-00$No
          if ( 1000 <= $No && $No < 10000) then
              mkdir disp-0$No
              mv POSCAR-0$No ./disp-0$No/POSCAR
              cp WAVECAR ./disp-$No/WAVECAR
              cp POTCAR ./disp-0$No/POTCAR
              cp INCAR ./disp-0$No/INCAR
              cd disp-0$No
          if ( 10000 <= $No && $No < 100000) then
              mkdir disp-$No
              mv POSCAR-$No ./disp-$No/POSCAR
              cp POTCAR ./disp-$No/POTCAR
              cp WAVECAR ./disp-$No/WAVECAR
              cp INCAR ./disp-$No/INCAR
              cd disp-$No
          mpirun -np <b>no. of processors  vasp_executable</b>
          cd ..
          @ No = $No + 1
  • If you’re working on a cluster (which is quite likely) you most probably use a bashrc file to submit jobs:
    • In this case, divide the POSCAR-XXXXX in multiple equal parts. Keep this WAVECAR file just outside these directories
    • Append the following to your command for running vasp executable:
        for a in `seq -w 00001 00001 XXXXX`
         cp ../WAVECAR ./
         cp POSCAR-$a POSCAR
         mpiexec.hydra -np 16 vasp_std> out
         mv vasprun.xml vasprun-$a
  • Of course for the second method, replace XXXXX by whatever number of files are present in that directory.

VII. Finding the thermal conductivity, The easy part! (Well everything is relative isn’t it?)

  • Step 1: phono3py –cf3 disp-{00001..XXXXX}/vasprun.xml # for first method, collect all at same place for second method
  • Step 2: phono3py –dim=”2 2 2” -c POSCAR-unitcell
  • Final step!! - phono3py –fc3 –fc2 –dim=”2 2 2” –mesh=”21 21 21” -c POSCAR-unitcell –br –tmin=270 –tmax=1000 –tstep=10
  • Important : Check convergence with –mesh as well and use a value at which κL plateaus.

VIII. Visualizing results:

  • Use hdfview (on ubuntu)
  • Off diagonal elements: Thermal conductivity is a tensor, so you might get off diagonal elements in some cases due to ENMAX (cutoff) not being large enough. In most cases, it would be neglegible compared to κxx, κyy and κzz values.

IX. We’re DONE. Yaaay!! Treat yourself to a chocolate.