Short Bio

I recently graduated with a Bachelors degree in Chemical Engineering (4-year) from Indian Institute of Technology , Roorkee, India.

I am an aspiring researcher and my interests include Multifunctional & Energy Materials, First principle Calculations, Molecular Simulations and Mathematical Modelling.

Recently, I

  • Feb 2020 Released an open-source code to compute phase diagrams via. convex-hull approach and produce publishable contour plots.
    More on it here..

  • Janurary 2020 Finished the final draft of my first paper as the First author. Yay!! Waiting on collaborators' go ahead. (To be communicated soon)
    Topic: Ultralow thermal conductivity owing to favourable lattice dynamics.

  • November 2019 Got my first paper published. Read..

  • November 2019 Graduated First-class with a Bachelors of Technology (4-year) degree in Chemical Engineering.

  • July 2018 Finished my Pre-final year internship at Computational Spintronics Group under Professor Stefano Sanvito.